About us

MM2 Hub is the best Murder Mystery Store to buy MM2 Knives, Guns, Chromas, Collectibles & Ancient Weapons. We are devoted to bringing the bests service possible at the best price for you.

Budget products

Frequently asked questions

Is MM2Hub legit?

Absolutely! We have many happy customers and thousands of sales! You can check out some of the community-made reviewshere.

How do I receive my Items?

After you have made a purchase. you will immediately receive a link to our discord server, then one of our employees will trade with you.

Can this get me banned?

No! We have never had a single customer get banned for using our service.

Why do you need my adress?

Our payment processor requires us to ask you for your address in order to verify your identity. We do not use your address for anything other than identity verification and we never sell your personal data.